Hearts Of Iron III Crack

Hearts of Iron 3 Patch v1.3

  1. Hearts Of Iron Iii Crack Torrent
  2. Hearts Of Iron 3 Guide
  3. Hearts Of Iron 3: Semper Fi
  4. Hearts Of Iron Iii Wiki
  5. Hearts Of Iron Iii Gog
  6. Hearts Of Iron Iv Crack
  7. Hearts Of Iron Iii Mod

The third installment in the critically acclaimed Hearts of Iron series, this game focuses on satisfying veteran players through a multitude of brand new features and systems. This patch has an endless amount of changes, touching every part of this game and making it balanced as possible.


- Less worried about the national fuel deficit when requesting mechanized or armored units in peace time

- Fixed a bug where the AI would cancel the attacks of manually controlled units

- Fixed a bug with units immediately moving out of newly taken provinces for automated lower-level HQs

Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour v4.02 +4 TRAINER; Hearts of Iron III v1.4 +3 TRAINER; Hearts of Iron III CHEATS; Hearts of Iron III CHEAT MOD #2; Hearts of Iron III RESOURCE MOD; Hearts of Iron III CHEAT MOD #1. Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour v4.02 +4 TRAINER; Hearts of Iron III v1.4 +3 TRAINER; Hearts of Iron III CHEATS; Hearts of Iron III CHEAT MOD #2; Hearts of Iron III RESOURCE MOD; Hearts of Iron III.

- Safer movement along the front for sub-theatre level automated HQs

- Improved 'borrowing' of units for attacks between agents, including those of puppet states

- Fixed a simple but serious bug causing constant front reorganization

- Fixed a bug with port-less areas sometimes not correctly being recognized as fronts

- Fixed some glitches in the transport AI caused by incorrect retrieval of armies from outside the theatre

- Many improvements to sub-theatre level automation of units

- Sub-theatre level units will no longer try to garrison any provinces that are not player set objectives

- Misc fixes that mostly affects sub-theatre level automated units

- Improved the AI's understanding of crossing rivers

- Garrison AI better at protecting airfields and VPs

- Fixed a problem with stuck fleets

- Better awareness of acting capitals if the proper one is lost

- Invasion AI now allowed to attack non-port provinces

- Will prioritize attacking neighboring port provinces if the controlled area lacks a port

- Theatres and fronts are now correctly recalculated for allies joining a war

- Tweaked Belgian border defense priorities if Allied.


- Fixed slider automation so it does not take a day for updates to show

- Fixed a slight bug with unit type requests

- AI more aggressively produces convoys when needed

- Will reorder the production queue to prioritize land units if the war is going badly

- Ships and planes no longer incorrectly built as reserves by the AI at peace

- Fixed priority issues with the build queue

- Long running games should no longer spiral into economic chaos due to unit production being too aggressive

- Force needs changed to consider allied fleets.

- Better balance of land/air/naval in the build queue.

- Now checks manpower usage to make sure it can afford mobilization before deciding to build units.

- Landlocked nations will no longer build transports


- AI now keeps track of money trends to even out fluctuations

- Slider controls now favour money production a bit more to accommodate trade

- Ministers now replaced when needed (like after soviet purge)

- New algorithm for research selection

- Research AI balancing, with more focus on industrial techs

- Boost to officer ratio for leadership sliders

- Finland is more prone to mobilize before the Winter War

- AI will focus on reinforcements after mobilizing

- Changes to accommodate the fact that consumer goods production no longer creates money

- AI now prefers larger supply stockpile

- Espionage AI re-evaluates a bit less often, resulting in less mission focus jumping

- Espionage AI now prioritizes faction leaders a bit more, especially the leader deemed most dangerous

- Fixed a problem with auto-deployment once the home area has been lost

- Fixed ai failure on mobilization.


- Heavily improved AI trading

- Trade ai now correctly cancels trades draining its stockpiles and stopping helpful trades in the opposite direction.

- Rebalancing of country influencing, ai should now influence more and hopefully in a much saner manner.

- Tweaked money pooling for trading slightly

- Japan should no longer call in allies too early

- Scripted wars against states that are already annexed are now blocked

- Fixed incorrect conditions for a soviet war on germany post '42

- Fixed bug where Germany would declare war on Sweden for no reason

- German AI now tries to get earlier Military Access to sweden

- Fixed issues with countries granting military access when they shouldn't (big countries were too intimidating)

- Improved check against neighbors for German AI so Barbarossa should no longer stall

- Fixed a lesser memory leak

- Luxemburg should no longer be overlooked as a war target when its neighbors have fallen

- Military strength no longer miscalculated when checking strength of a border in preparation for war

- Republican/Nationalist Spain no longer interested in joining any factions until the civil war is over

- AI no longer offers weird alliances

- AI will now attempt to lower neutrality while aligning to a faction if needed for future membership

- AI should now be more likely to join factions when it can

- AI puppets can no longer influence other nations

- Extra checks to make sure Japan does not declare war on the UK if things have ended up unhistorical

- Comintern countries will no longer mind free trade goods

- The faction leader AI now stop influencing nations if they become less interesting

- AI should now prefer getting faction members of its own instead of stopping the enemy from getting faction members

- Germany will no longer attack Yugoslavia while still busy fighting France

- Germany now breaks any non aggression pacts with the Soviets when preparing to attack after defeating France

- Germany wont declare so many wars at once in Europe

- Gamebalance Changes

* Combat

- Fixed a problem where airunits could move out of combat randomly.

- Attackdelay from officer ratio is now 3 days change instead of 3 hours.

- Units on ships and planes will no longer obstruct occupation.

- All bombmissions that damage buildings will now damage static AA as well.

- Ships at zero organisation can no longer fire in a naval battle.

- Flying bombs and Flying rockets are now properly marked as rockets and will be removed at end of a mission.

- Submarines are now harder to spot, more lethal to convoys, but also far worse in seabattles.

- Revolters now use the experience from the target enemy partisan efficiency now.

- Revolters can now be against multiple enemies, and will only be nice to those that are enemy to all its targets.

- Occupation can no longer be given to a country that is not an enemy of the previous controller.

- Paratroopers will no longer give extra combat width if coming from multiple bases.

- Ships can now be forced to close if hostile fleets got faster ships.

- Ships without sea_attack or at 0 organisation will now try to leave close range during naval battles.

- Resources and buildings are no longer damaged when control is changed in a friendly way. (Puppets, Liberations etc.)

- Air units can no longer do ground attacks on neutral territory

- It is now possible to actually bomb units with too low organisation to stand up and fight.

- Fixed an issue with support attack not cancelling properly after an attack.

- It is now harsher to cross rivers, do amphibious landings and paradrop.

- Fixed a few problems on how crossing, landing and paradropping penalties were applied.

- Reduced the impact from shore bombardment.

- Units being destroyed due to inability to retreat will now also reduce officers as well.

- Landing units are no longer automatically deleted if the fleet is under attack.

- Paratroopers are now properly checking landfort levels, not coast fort.

- Pushback damage is now bigger, and more likely to happen.

- Units paradropping will not get the out of supply penalty during combat.

- Windspeed now have a far less impact on naval combat.

* Unit Organisation

- Merging single brigades now assigns a leader if auto-assign is on.

- Creating new HQ's now assigns new leaders if auto-assign is on.

- Autoassignment of leaders for landunits now only occurr if it goes to 2 brigades or higher.

- Reorganising away brigades from a division below 2 brigades will now remove the leader automatically.

- Every type of division that can be setup through reorganisation, can now be built.

- It is now possible to reorganise away every brigade from a divison even if a leader is present.

* Units

- Manpower trickleback is now scaled properly and no longer multiplied by 100.

- Rebalanced air unit stats through a major overhaul.

- Marines, Mountaineers and paratroopers now use a little less manpower, but more officers.

- Escort carriers and carriers now have a sea_attack of 1 at minimum.

- Ships now repair in any port they are present in, but check efficiency and speed from the one they are based from.

- Ships can now actually regain organisation at sea.

- Fixed a bug where headquarters and all below it dissapeared if game saved when they were loaded on a ship.

- Ghostfleets should not be around in ports for the AI anymore.

- Leaderbonuses are now applied for units below stacklimits, not above then on air and naval stacks.

- Now air units are allowed to retreat to any neighboring province that doesn't have hostile air units. Air units can also try to retreat to their air base.

- Marines and Engineers are now better at crossing and landing.

- It is no longer possible to load paratroopers onto planes in airbases that currently are lower than size 1.

- Units in delay after attack can no longer be loaded onto a plane.

* Missions

- The naval escort convoy mission will only let ships patrol within their own supply range.

- You can no longer rebase into ports you have no access to.

- Rebasing ships now use fuel & supplies properly.

- Loading troops on transports now clear dig-in status properly.

- Patrolling ships now check for access before moving

- It is now possible to strategically redeploy all units selected even if the target is where one unit is.

- Fixed a problem with the 'join air' order, that could prevent the actual merge

- Strategic rededployments can no longer reset themselves.

* Production

- Monthly manpower increases are now applied properly.

- Germany now gets manpower from occupying the rhineland, gaining sudeten and the anschluss.

- Soviet Union will now get bonus manpower from doing the purge.

- Halved effective energy to oil conversion.

- Money production is now based on total IC, and is not depending on consumer goods production.

- Refining will not happen if fuel stockpiles are over a year of refining and the crude oil is below half of that.

- Reduced money income per IC.


- Fixed a problem which would make resources cap at 2000 for a major if a puppet fled and then got back.

- Fuel refining is now based on current IC, not maximum IC.

- Energy to oil conversion should not break down at low energy levels.

- Overseas resources are now properly given to the port where resource convoys are sent.

- Upgrading a unit is no longer 4 times as quick as building it, and also cost the same IC fraction.

* Mobilisation

- Newly deployed units are now deployed at 0 org.

Hearts Of Iron Iii Crack Torrent

- Countries get a reinforcement bonus first month after mobilizing.

- A country automatically mobilizes when going into war.

- Mobilisation laws now decrease money income far more.

- Fixed a bug which caused too little manpower to be drained when troops got reinforced.

- Reinforcement percent should now be calculated a bit better.

* Supplysystem

- Units in deployment queue now also is calculated for officer needs & cg demands, and draw supplies from the capital.

- Supply networks is less likely to break down over borders.

- Rewrote supply distribution logic to be given out to all IC producting provinces in the home area instead of just the capital to avoid collapses.

- Supply convoys now ship to keep the same stockpile size as the other supply network.

- Supply consumption is now calculated correctly for reserve units.

- Supply/Fuel distribution now only consider core provinces owned.

- Fixed a bug that made convoyed in values to be too high during the first day of gameplay.

- Fixed a bug where supply slider would be set to negative to reduce stockpiles

- Supplystockpiles produced locally will not pass through demands that they can satisfy.

- Convoys going to occupied ports will no longer be assigned transports and escorts.

- Units that goes out of fuel will no longer be permamnently out of fuel if fuelstatus is 0 while stationary.

- Fuel is now produced locally like supplies is.

- Improved algoritm to auto-assign transports to convoys.

- There is now a separate category for supplies and fuel returning to stockpile.

- Needed for supplies is no longer on current flow, but estimated supply needs instead to avoid fluctuations.

* Technology

- Doubled the cost for tech-rushing.

- Tweaked radar training, smallwarship radar, largewarship radar, smallwarship asw, submarine sonar and submarine airwarning equipment to match the expected research date for radar

- Research efficiency modifiers are now only adapted on remaining times.

- Submarine Techs now have their offset increased by year, tech bonus increased by the same amount.

* Politics

- Fixed the exploit of free manpower from law changing.

- Puppets manually created now also gives ownership of partisan controlled territories as well.

- A newly created puppet now gets an infantry division in each province with an IC.

- Fixed bug: 'Strategic Warfare penalties not reset' cache is now recalculated each day.

- Party popularity requirement is now is now normalized which gives correct effect for decisions

* Trade

- Convoys for traderoutes now require alot less convoys to be able to run.

- Landlocked countries can now trade with neighbors from another continent

- Fixed a problem with trades where they would always fail if you used your last diplomatic influence to do one.

* Diplomacy

- Puppets can no longer align themselves to factions and are automatically forced in their overlords direction when they are in a faction

- Debt is now used in licensing deals

- License deals now charge for money * serial * parallel

- Aligning is now a bit slower.

- Expeditionary forces can always be returned, there's no need to wait for diplomats anymore.

- It's no longer possible to declare war on a country that you have military access to.

- A truce now only lasts 100 days.

- It is no longer possible to declare war on anyone you have a truce with.

- Guarantees no longer stop you from declaring war on somebody

- Production licensing will now properly transfer money

- Convoys from broken trade deals will no longer linger around, as they could in some cases.

- Diplomats now actually have working travel time

- You can no longer ask for debt multiple times

- Fixed retrieval of expeditionary forces so that they won't be returned instantly.

- Factions now get properly eliminated when last member surrenders, & last member can now actually surrender.

- It is no longer possible to declare war on your own puppet.

- You can now declare war at puppets, if you are already at war with their overlord.

- Non-aggression pact, trade offer, send expeditionary force, license tech, offer alliance, ask for military access and call allies diplomatic options now reduce diplomatic influence when proposed instead of accepted

- Can now buy production licenses for units that are better than your own even if you have an older version of same unit type.

- Relations will now decrease when rejecting diplomatic agreements.

- Nonbuildable units can no longer appear as possible production licenses.

- Non-agression pacts now expire after 2 years, and is now possible to cancel manually.

* Threat

- Threat from combat is now about 40% lower.

- Threat now spreads a bit more

- Halfed the impact from spy increasing threat.

- Countries that are not members of factions do only half threat with their actions.

- Threat from declaration of war is no longer valid if a country is already in a major faction war.

* Intelligence

- You now get minor counter espionage inside your own country even when not doing counter espionage. (at 20%).

- Player can now change spy missions much less often (was 1 day, now takes a week)

- Modifiers from spies no longer in effect after countries sending them are annexed

- Radar levels and intel now update properly from loaded saves.

- Spies without missions are harder to detect when doing counter espionage.

- Radar is now calculated correctly for occupiers.

* Map

- Changing acting capital will now select an owned province instead of controlled only.

- Only unoccupied provinces are considered for neighbour checks. ie, Channel Islands will not make Germany and England neighbours if occupied.

- Strait blockage for ships is now checked properly.

- Bosphorus & Panama is now blocking access correctly.

* Weather

- Rewrote season calculation logic to get a more gradual pace of season changing.

- Fixed a problem which caused it to rain in the desert even at 0 humidity.

- Cloud coverage will slowly dissipate if no active rain and no humidity increases.

- Fixed a glitch with movement of weather patterns.

- Weatherpatterns moving about should now create more wind, and wind should not drop off so quickly.

- Weatherpatterns can now live a little longer.

- Weatherfronts now move a bit slower.

- Removed humidity increases from forests and woods.

- Reworked climate setup.

- Rewrote internal direction logics to optimise weather movement while avoiding out of sync issues.

- Terrain can now modify temperature.

- Temperatures can now cool at faster speed as well.

- Deserts are now a fair bit drier.

- Interface Improvements


- Fixed display of 'one shot' techlevels.

- Once a tech is completed when doing manual research, prerequisites for next level tech are now properly checked prior to adding it to research queue

- Fixed display issue for technologies like jet engine etc

- Clicking tech in queue now selects tech

- Technology folder name is now shown in 'tech enabled by this' messages

- Techs being enabled by the discovery of another tech will now be announced in the popup.

- Tech tree entries will no longer show localised names on the button, as playability suffered too much from that you did not know which was 'Small Arms' and what level certain names where

- Can now look at techs by clicking them in the tech window even with ai enabled

- Clicking current research items now gets you into the correct folder

- Same button used to start research can now cancel it

- Non-localised techname is now shown in the current research as well.


- In the espionage screen next to the tally over exposed spies there is now an indicator showing foreign spy activity in your country

- When using filtering/sorting in intelligence overview, the filter/sort is no longer reset as time passes.

- Listbox in Intel Menu now refreshes correctly

- Intelligence overview now shows correct threat values for each non-player country


- Currently selected unit stats bar now works correctly for Air production

- A popup with the names of desired units is now created when hovering over the desired unit icons(both in unit overview and production overview)

- Production view serial/parallel now can now be incremented/decremented by holding down left mouse button

- Added a progress bar to production queue entries.

- Production +/- now increments/decrements when holding down left mouse button

- Fixed a way that certain production sliders could go negative

- Things that take more than 365 days to build have their buildtime displayed in months


- Diplomacy action for sending expeditionary forces should now indicate the correct recipient

- Faction members shield is now correctly updated when a new country joins or leaves a faction while being in the diplomatic screen.

- Diplomacy screen now lists highest threat against selected country, not player country

- Fixed bug where clients got hosts' automated trade and slider settings after loading a multiplayer game.

- No longer get closed down trades due to no money when you can take debts

- Trade agreement countries no longer switched

- Buy/sell button in trade window no longer look cut-off

- It is now possible to click the flag of a country that is influencing another to select that country

- Fixed display of production licenses.


- Sort leaders by experience in ledger now works as expected

- Fixed bug 'Air Defence' icon and tooltip within the ledger.

- It is now possible to see military statistics for puppet states you control


- Outliner should no longer appear over ledger

- CAGs from disbanded carriers now properly rebased and shown in outliner/map

- Fixed bug 'Disbanding last unit does not remove it from outliner'

- Bases no longer shown in outliner

- Air and naval units under AI-control no longer visible under Air/Naval in outliner (still visible under their HQ though)


- Improved colorisation of unitdamaged tooltip.

- Tooltip for supplies slider in production tab now displays tech bonus

- Tooltip for queued research now displays tech bonus

- Fixed a problem with unit tooltip indicators.

- fixed incorrect tooltips for war declarations on guarantee:es

- corrected tooltip for guarantee requirements

- Fixed tooltips in air mission panel.

- Tooltip for deployed units is now being updated when reloading and having the same units to deploy as prior to loading the game.

- Tooltip for deploy stack now shown on game load

- A leaders command capability to command air and ship units is now shown in the leader tooltip.

- Fixed a display issue on air unit strength tooltip

- Division tooltip in production queue shows all brigades in the division

- Tooltips for technologies also shows the folder of prerequisites

- Disabled replace minister buttons have tooltip

- Slider tooltip describing lock, only shown when right-clicking can actually lock the slider

- Tooltip for hourglass icon when doing a strategic redeployment changed

- Added tooltip for why you cant select new spy mission

- Sliders in production and technology views now have tooltips explaining lock

- Limited war has some extra info in it's tooltip

- Politics screen now shows tooltips for internal effects on party popularity during last month

- Tooltips describing reinforcement bonuses when mobilizing

- A tooltip position in production view has been corrected

- Tooltip for unit list in license tech is now properly aligned

- Your own country is no longer reported as 'neutral' with your in diplomatic mapmode.

- Improved display of puppets in tooltip for diplomatic mapmode.

- Tooltip in weathermapmode now lists type of weather as well.


- There are now different messages for when air, land and naval units arrives at a location

- Messagesettings is now loaded properly even with new messages

- There is now a message when aligning to faction leader expires

Hearts Of Iron III Crack

- debt request response will now no longer always show positive

- you will no longer be spammed with notifications of arriving at destination from patrolling units

- There was a duplicate country key in the message list with the players country name

- When bombing from carriers, the sunken ships could be added to the losses for both sides.

- All defending units now shown in the Attacked message

- Goto button on 'Country annexed' dialogs now jumps to annexed country's capital

- Fixed a bug with the 'Patrol finds a fleet' message popup

- Players are now informed when debt is used for deals

- Corrected 'Call to Arms' dialog so it now resizes if content goes wild


- Added missing description for support attack

- fixed text errors in messages for debt

- fixed some incorrect localization in division designer

- Fix for German strings which mixed together on the unit view dialog

- Fixed localized versions of 'kph' strings


- Fixed an issue with autoslider alerts that shouldnt be shown when AI tries to lower stockpiles

- The IC Wasted alert no longer triggers if Supplies and/or Consumer Goods is produced in excess

- Deploy alert closes any fullscreen windows when clicked.

- Added an Alert when mobilized and not in war.

- Added an alert for when you have a decision possible.

- Technology folder name is now shown in the ahead alert.

- The invite to faction alert is now shown when it should be shown.


- Red is now only shown in provinces in supply mapmode if there is an actual NEED there that is not fullfilled

- Movement allowed/rejected markers on map now fades away. Reduced the time the duration markers are shown

- Political map is now alot more clear and more colorful

- The map is now updated when redefining theatres while using the theatre map mode

- Clicking on map should now always give you what you click at,even if that happens to overlap a different province (ie rightclicking a port will let you move to that port even if graphicaly it is in a sea province)

- You can no longer see theatre names for non-friendly countries in theatre mapmode

- When giving air orders, map is now updated when sliders are released

- Fixed issues with CAGs when group selecting on map

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused movement arrows not to show

- Cursor over puppets with an army selected is now the correct one

- Red arrows are now shown on units that support attacks

- Shiftclicking provinces no longer closes province view

- Fixed problem with counter stacks being seen although the player didn't have any intel in the province

- No more free intel on enemy province buildings

- Fixed counter display issues at large distance

- Moving units that come under attack are no longer considered as attacking in the interface

- Combat indicator arrow positions are updated when units are removed from combat

- Tweaked scaling of numbers on naval counters to make each value matter more.


- HQs now lists the correct number of troops under their command

- Decisions requiring a specific amount of divisions now also show current number of divisions

- Sorted list of units to deploy to

- Corrected position of namebox in brigadeview

- There is now a button for multiple armies selected that let you load all at once onto a ship if possible.

- Default order for fleets with troops, moving to friendly ports, are now transport

- Added shortcuts for building buildings from province interface

- Provinces now multiselectable for building purposes

- Fixed the cursor position when renaming units

- It's now possible to ctrl-click the select button(when multiple units are selected) to select all subunits

- Escape now works properly to open ingame menu

- Last sort mode of leaders assignment dialog is now saved

- Air order window is now bigger to fit the whole list of orders.

- cancel order button for units now works for simple orders

- The can not move indicator in unit interface is no longer shown in wrong circumstances.

- can now actually close the main menu using the hotkeys

- multiplayer chat now breaks line properly

- Improved display issue when there are modifiers affecting dissent increases.

- Fix for long move arrows which disappeared under certain circumstances

- Fixed bug: 'Popup Info opens with double click in other interfaces'

- Rocket sprites should now be shown properly in the game

- Disabled sliders when using a selection mode that did not depend on slider positions

- Fixed country names in the retrieve/return expeditionary forces dialogue.

- When changing resolution, any applied resolution will be shown in paranthesis.

- It's now possible to switch back to the current resolution without having to restart the game

- Faction information is now displayed

- The text/icons of desired HQ units now fits better into its designated text box

- Leader selection now supports sorting in reverse order.

- Naval and Aircombats should now list proper numbers, not multiplied by 1000 in the outliner.

- You can no longer build above maximum level in multiple select, or through lag in MP.


- Fixed a potential reason for OOS.

- It is no longer possible to click alerts before game started in mp

- Calling player allies to help in a war now work in multiplayer.

- User Modding

- Fixed a number of issues making mods not work.

- Threat in script files has been updated to work consistently with both 'who = all' and 'who = ABC'

- Errors in in LUA code are now printed in system_error.log to helps modders with debugging

- LUA scripts in mods now reloadable from console like originals.

- Performace and Stability

* Optimizations

- Optimized the sprite/counter rendering

- Optimized the technology and production screen

- Optimized the messagesystem and combat calculations

- Optimized outliner usage

- String optimizations

- Autosave now consumes less memory and should cause less crashes when autosaving

- Did some minor optimisation to game-logics to make the time flow faster

- Fixed lagging text in the tech screen and unit deployment menu

- Some minor optimisations to finding what you've clicked on the map

- Improved the speed of selecting/deselecting provinces

- Less slowdown building in multiselected provinces

- Removed lag when issuing missions to multiple selected air/naval units

- Increased the speed of sorting in the select leaders screen

- Optimized use of maps

- Optimized the 2d render pipeline

- Removed redundant graphics state changes

- The flag map is no longer rebuilt on every startup

- Improved rendering of billboards

- Improved rendering of counters

- Fixed a memory leak with failed diplomatic actions

- Fixed a memory leak and uncleared state in the ai strategy calculations

- Plugged a memory leak in the production licence interface

- Updated versions of zlib and lua

- Fixed scrollbar issues in diplomacy view

* Crash fixes

- Random crashes due to deleted units

- Crash bug with expeditionary forces

- Crash bug when loading savegames

- Crash when resigning from the diplomacy interface

- Convoy construction crash

- Crash fix for slider move

- Save crash with ships that fail their escort missions

- Convoy escort load crash

- Crash in the production screen

- Several other potential crash bugs

- Database Changes

* Events and Decisions

- The 'Danzig or war' decision will be available for Germany regardless of whether Poland joins the allies or not

- The 'Treaty of Munich' will no longer trigger if a Democratic or Communist party rules Germany

- The triggers for the 'Anschluss of Austria' and the 'Marco Polo Bridge incident' will take the correct date into account

- Added a non-aggression pact to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact decision

- Made some minor changes to the 'Japan puts pressure on Siam' and the 'Future of Greece' decision

- Fixed the partition problem in the 'First Vienna Award' decision

- Tweaked the 'Finnish winter war' decision so that it can be triggered if Germany controls Warsawa or Poland and Germany are at war

- Tweaked the 'Bulgarian claims for Constanta' decision

- The US new deal now reduces US manpower by 40%

- Tweaked the current surrender event for Germany and added a second version for a passive Soviet Union

- Tweaked the 'Bitter Peace' event, so that Romania and Finland don't get any provinces unless they are members of the axis

- Added country flags to the surrender events to keep them from firing more than once

- Added a new version of the Italian surrender event for when Germany is no longer at war

- Vichy creation will now give troops to the proper countries

- If Hungary is a faction member it won't receive any Czechoslovakian provinces

- Tweaked the 'Albania Liberated' event

- The 'Treaty of Munich' will give Poland control of Orlova

- Added a new event for George V and the abdication of Edward VIII

- Fixed the effects of the Manifestation events

- Fixed the threat effects in the events

- Made some changes to the 'US Occupation of Iceland' event

- Tweaked the 'Second Vienna Award' event, it will no longer trigger if Hungary is a member of the Allies/Comintern or at war with Germany

- Tweaked the effects of the 'Ban New Parties' event

- Fixed a bug in the 'Bitter Peace' event

* Politics and Diplomacy

- Changed Yugoslavia's government type to absolute monarchy

- Added a new government form, constitutional monarchy

- Changed the ideology of Thomas Mann to social conservative

- Changed Communist China's ideology to Stalinism, and changed org. and pop.

Hearts Of Iron 3 Guide

- Renamed the paternal autocrat party of Brazil to Estado Nôvo

- Swapped the German DVP and DNVP party names

- Added some missing laws to Yunnan

- Made the British puppets, members of the allies from the start

- Added some missing minister types to the Italian Socialist Republic

* OOBs and leaders

- Added destroyers to Norway's -36 oob

- Added two missing cags to the IJN Hosho carrier in -38 scenario

- Made the HMS Eagle in the -38 oob an escort carrier instead of a carrier

- Adjusted the Australian oobs and infrastructure values

- Added a few more Japanese garrison brigades in the Pacific and increased their land practicals and doctrines

- Changed the location of the Kwangtung theatre in the 36 scenario

- Moved the British fleet in Halifax

- Tweaked Switzerland's air tech

- Tweaked the ranks of Friedrich Paulus and some of the Russian leaders

- Tweaked some of the dates for the Belgian leaders

- Added new traits to Octavian Goga, Miron Cristea and Stanley Baldwin

- Added the new trait, 'Superior Air Tactician', to some of the leaders

- Added some missing pictures for some of the Hungarian leaders and Koroteev


- Fixed the mix-up between Victor Antonescu and Ion Antonescu

- Removed the duplicated attributes for Peter II

* Province Setup

- Gave Italy a bit more metal

- Reduced the production of rare materials in the USA

- Reduced the amount of energy in Germany and the Soviet Union

- Reworked energy and metal values in the United Kingdom

- Added British and American cores to Iceland, and American cores to Greenland

- Reworked the cores of Communist China and Nationalist China

- Added Córdoba, Granada and Seville to the 'Eastern Spain' region

- Removed Dravograd from the 'West Germany' region

- Added the 'Northern Aegean Sea' to the Mediterranean region

- Fixed the naval base problems on Sunset Beach, Ni'ihau Island and Kolda

- Fixed the lacking industry problem in Manchester

- Added an air-base to Geelong and a naval base to Melbourne and Dandong

- Repositioned the buildings on Wake Island, Lemesos and Beirut

- Fixed the climate problem in Greenland

- Increased the infrastructure in Lanzhou, Otog Qianqi and Haya

- Moved the VP in Karlik Shan to Di Hua

- Moved the victory point in Samoa to Dunedin and added a new vp to Yemen and Tannu Tuva

- Redesigned the Amur and Mekong rivers and fixed some other river problems

- Transferred control of Mys Gamova, Novokiyevskoye and Razdolnaya to the Soviet Union

- Increased the amount of energy available in Dalian and made Japan the controller

* Text

- Fixed the German spelling of Romania

- Fixed a typo in the 'Reoccupation of the Rhineland' decision text

- Fixed some misspelled province names

- Fixed the typos in the Swedish -36, -38 and -39 oobs

- Renamed the Volksgrenadiers Volkssturm

- Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies in the German technology names

- Changed the 'Coal to Oil' technology description

- Renamed the 'Electric Powered Torpedo' tech

Hearts of Iron III Free Download PC game setup direct link for windows. It’s a strategy war game where you can play conflicts in world war.

Hearts of Iron 3 PC Game 2009 Overview

Hearts of Iron III is developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive and is based on the previous games Hearts of Iron. The game mainly focuses on World War 2. Where they can select any country that existed in that era. The game covers a vast area. Where its not only the fight but the player has to select many things, can do research, productions, politics. In war there are about 3 factions. Where other nations can unite with the faction having similar ideology. There are resources also available for the player which includes metal, energy, oil and some other rare materials. Maps is also an important feature in this game which is somewhat advanced and number of provinces are increased as compared to previous games. If you like playing this game then you may like similar game called Total War Rome 2 Emperor Edition. Download it free from our website.

Graphics and visual effects of the game are really very much improved in Hearts of Iron III as compared to the previous version. In start not all the objects will be available to the player but as he proceeds in the game play that can be unlocked for him as he gains more points. Player can not only play from his own land but can also struggle from abroad with underground movements against the enemies. If you like playing this game then you may like game Battle of Empires 1914-1918 PC Game. You can download it free from our website.

Features of Hearts of Iron III

Hearts Of Iron 3: Semper Fi

Following are the main features of Hearts of Iron III that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.

Hearts Of Iron Iii Wiki

  • Grand strategy wargame.
  • More than 150 countries added
  • Unique and new weapons added.
  • Amazing graphical and visual effects.
  • Single and multiplayer game.
  • Realistic Artificial Intelligence techniques.
  • Player can buy weapons from abroad
  • Fully customizable
  • Above 10 thousand provinces added
  • Detailed map included for detailed strategic decisions
  • Intelligence for player where he can get information from enemies units

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System Requirements of Hearts of Iron III PC Game 2009

Before you start Hearts of Iron III Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.

  • Operating System: Tested On Windows 7 64 Bit
  • CPU: Pentium 4 / Core 2 Duo
  • RAM: 512 mb / 1 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 2 GB

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Hearts of Iron III Free Download

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Click on below button to start Hearts of Iron III Free Download. It is a full and complete game. Just download and start playing it. We have provided direct link full setup of the game.

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